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Bear Painting

Interior & Exterior Painting

If you’re ready to give your home a new coat of paint, don’t do it alone! Painting your home yourself can not only be time-consuming and stressful, but it can also result in less than professional results. With the help of Bear Painting, you can sit back and relax while our residential painters handle the job with confidence and precision. We are an interior and exterior painting company that provides services for every area. Whether you simply need the kitchen painted or want to change every room in your house, our team can handle it all, and we’ll ensure smooth and consistent results free of drips, seams, and inconsistencies.

Bear Painting

Log Home Restoration

We have performed log replacement and log home repair on hundreds of log homes, cabins, and other wood structures throughout the United States. Log Replacement and log home repair is Bear Painting specialty.  We can take on any project no matter what your log home repair needs are.

During log replacement, we can match the new logs with the old logs using the same method and building style and precision as the original building. Sometimes there are problems with the bottom logs due to structural problems. We can assist you with a redesigned foundation to keep these problems from happening again.

Bear Painting

Dustless Blasting

There are several methods for removing old layers of paint, oil, grease, and other forms of debris from a house’s facade prior to a new paint or repaint job. We will talk about dustless shot blasting and why it is a preferred method over traditional shot blasting.What is dustless blasting?.

Dustless Blastingis a process that allows you to remove traces of old coats from any surface to which you want to apply a new coat. It uses different types of sand particles (depending on the purpose), water and, in most cases, also an oxidation inhibitor. High pressure actuation from inside the blast tank removes all traces of old coatings, preparing the surface for a new application.

Bear Painting

Custom Lacquer

Our most popular finish. Lacquer provides a hard, durable surface which can stand up to everyday use. All pieces are thoroughly cleaned, repaired and sanded creating an ideal surface to create a high-end look. Professionally sprayed by one of our experienced team members, a lacquer finish ensures a smooth, even finish. This finish is a great choice if you are seeking anything from a traditional to contemporary look. Choose from one of our in-house colors or provide your own custom color from any major paint brand. You can choose either a satin finish or high-gloss finish. In-house colors are included in the price.

For people who need to painting their exterior and interior spaces, it can be a daunting task to look for a painting company with highly skilled and professional painters who will get the job done right.